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MapServe is a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) program by Kelly Campbell, a student at Kansas State University, and Systems Manager for Student Publications at K-State. It is for use with MacHTTP or WebSTAR by Chuck Shotton. MapServe allows World Wide Web servers housed on a Macintosh or PowerMacintosh computer to serve clickable graphics with "hotspots" that can call any other document available on the World Wide Web via Uniform Resource Locators. The MapServe home page is located at

Here is an example of MapServe in action:

Clicking on the above image should launch MapServe, and retrieve a page telling you what you clicked on or near. (Note: You must view this page by retrieving it from a MacHTTP or WebSTAR server for MapServe to receive the AppleEvent information it needs to work. MapServe only works when used through MacHTTP or WebSTAR.)


You must install MapServe somewhere within your MacHTTP/WebSTAR folder. (If you haven't installed MacHTTP/WebSTAR yet, you must do so first. MapServe does nothing without MacHTTP/WebSTAR installed. If you don't have the MacHTTP software, it is available at most of the Mac archives on the Internet, or on the World Wide Web at WebSTAR is available from StarNINE Technologies and is also a part of Apple's Internet Server Solution bundle.)

Simply place the MapServe.acgi application somewhere within the folder that holds your server program. It doesn't have to be in the exact same folder as WebSTAR, but it must be in a folder the WebSTAR folder contains. It's a good idea to set up a naming scheme for your folders within your server's folder, because anyone who visits your server will get to see those names. It will help them if your file names make sense. For example, you might make a folder called "Tools" or "CGI" that can hold all your external applications for the server, or you can just use the supplied "MapServe" folder. Keep all the other files and folders with the MapServe application untill you don't need them anymore.

You should have already read through the documentation that comes with MacHTTP/WebSTAR, including the technical reference sections about calling external applications. If you haven't, take time to do so. You should also be familiar with HTML, making hypertext references ( <a href="URL"> ), and URLs and how they are specified in HTML documents.

Setting the MapServe preferences

To set the MapServe preferences, choose "Preferences" from the File menu. There are two things you have to set here. The first is the location of your MacHTTP/WebSTAR application. Click the "Set Path" button, and then find MacHTTP/WebSTAR with the file dialog box. This is used to find the .map files if you are going to reference them locally, or use the Action setting. Both are described below in depth in the Special Features for use with WebSTAR Commercial Servers section.

The preferance box looks like this:

The second part of the preferences box you can leave at the default value, or you can change it to use a custom server name. If you want to customize it, you can type it in the text box. This is usefull if you want the program to give the user's browser a different server name other than the one WebSTAR knows. For example, if you have the DNS option of WebSTAR turned off, then WebSTAR sends it's name as an IP address (123.456.789.123). MapServe will then send URL's back to the browser in the form of http://123.456.789.123/blah.html. If you want it to send back the real server name, you can put this in the Preferences and it will send that in place of what WebSTAR tells it to send. (i.e.

Note: If you do use this option, MapServe doesn't send back any port number unless you specify it in the Prefences. (i.e.

A test run

To try MapServe out with the test file, simply start up MacHTTP or WebSTAR, and use a web browser (preferably on another computer) to call up the URL for the default MapServe file, http://your.server.address/mapserve/default.html

This should bring up a graphic with several different colored shapes. Try clicking on one of the shapes. This should cause MapServe to start up on your server, and a file showing what you clicked on should be loaded up. If it fails for some reason, consult the section on troubleshooting later in this documentation.


Linking to your graphic

First of all, you have to have a graphic file that you want to make clickable. This could be a map of something like a campus or a building, or just a picture that you want to highlight parts of. It's also useful for making graphical menus such as the one at It's all up to your imagination to come up with good uses for clickable "imagemaps".

Once you have a graphic file, you need to make an HTML document that uses it as an inline graphic. You can read about this in most HTML documentation. To give you a quick example, say you have a folder on your server called "Graphics" and a GIF file called "MyMap.gif" inside it. You would link to that graphic using HTML like this:

<img src="graphics/mymap.gif" ISMAP>.

The ISMAP part tells the client's browser program that the graphic is a map and it needs to send the coordinates of where the user clicked to the server.

Next you must make the graphic clickable, and specify MapServe as the program to link to when the graphic is clicked. You can do this in one of two ways, depending on what type of server you are using. If you are not using the commercial version of WebSTAR you only need to read the first of the two following sections: Using MapServe with MacHTTP or WebSTAR PS. If you are using the commercial version of WebSTARR you need to read both of the next two sections, Using MapServe with MacHTTP or WebSTAR PS and Special Features for use with WebSTAR Commercial Servers. If you're using MacHTTP or WebSTAR PS, skip the section on using MapServe with the full version of WebSTAR.

Using MapServe with MacHTTP or WebSTAR PS

To call MapServe from a MacHTTP server, or any WebSTAR server, you must use the method specified in section 5 of the WebSTAR Technical Reference. This is where you specify the path to MapServe in the URL, then add a $, and the map file path.

Here's an example:
<a href="path/to/mapserve.cgi$mapfilepath"> </a> The mapfilepath is either a local, or a complete path to a file that specifies the information that defines the different "hotspots" in the graphic. See the Map File Format section below to learn how to define these files.

A local path would be relative to the location of the MapServe.acgi application. For example, if you have a folder name "mapfiles" in the same folder as MapServe.acgi, you can use "mapfiles/" as the mapfilepath part of the URL. Or if your files are in the same folder as MapServe.acgi, you can simply use "" as your path.

A complete path would begin at the beginning of your server's directory structure. This would be something like "/folder1/folder2/", where you have a folder named "folder1" in the same folder as WebSTAR or MacHTTP, then there is a "folder2" inside that, and the map file you are using is called "" and is inside folder2.

So the complete HTML hyperlink reference to your clickable graphic named mygraphic.gif would be:

    <a href="/path/to/mapserve.cgi$"><img src="mygraphic.gif" ismap></a>
To use this feature, make sure you have set the Preferences correctly.

Special Features for use with WebSTAR Commercial Servers

WebStar adds many new features which will make your life as a Webmaster much easier. One of these is the user defined actions and suffix mappings. You can create an action that will automatically call MapServe whenever a file with a ".map" extension is requested.

To set this up, choose "Actions" from the Configure menu in the WebSTAR Admin application. There are two parts you need to fill in, the Application, and the Action Name.

In the Application box, specify the path to the MapServe application on your server, starting with a colon (:). For example, if MapServe is in a folder called CGI in your WebSTAR folder, you'll put :cgi:mapserve.acgi in the Application part.

For the Action Name, I suggest "MAP", although you can use anything you want.

Click the Add button and then Update to close the Action dialog box. Now you need to add a suffix mapping. Open the Suffix Mapping dialog box by chossing Suffix Mappings from the Configure menu in WebSTAR Admin.

Choose the Action type that you just defined from the Action pop-up menu, then put ".MAP" in the File Suffix box. The File Type should be "TEXT" and the Creator should be "*". Put "text/html" in the MIME type field, then hit the Add button and then the Update button. Now you've made a user defined action that will tell MapServe to process the request any time a file that ends in .map is accessed.

What this allows you to do, is simply use the name of the file in the <a href> tag instead of referencing the MapServe.acgi application and then giving the path to the .map file. An example follows:

<a href=""><img src="mygraphic.gif" ISMAP></a>

In this example, the .map file and the .gif graphic are in the same directory as the .html file that refers to them both. When WebSTAR receives the request for the .map file, it sees that it is supposed to use the MAP action, which makes it launch MapServe.acgi and sends it the proper AppleEvent with the path to the .map file.

To use this feature, make sure you have set the Preferences correctly.

See the WebSTAR technical reference for more info on specifying an Action.

Notes: For MacHTTP/WebSTAR, case doesn't usually matter. Other types of servers, especially UNIX, may be case sensitive. I'm usually a lazy typist when writing HTML, so I generally don't capitalize anything. (Sidenote: Actually, some browsers are case-sensitive in certain instances. For example, forms making use of the POST method don't work on some versions of NCSA Mosaic for X-Windows unless POST is capitalized, so if anyone complains that they can't get an ISMAP graphic on your server to work, check to see if the capitalization may be a cause of the problem.)

Map File Format

To add the "hotspots" to your graphic file, you need to make a map file that maps the coordinates and shapes of your hotspots to areas in the image file, and specifies the URL you want that hotspot to load up. There are a few good programs that can help you do this. One such program is WebMap, which allows you to draw the hotspots on top of your graphic. You can also use any program that can give you the coordinates of certain locations on your graphic, like Photoshop or GraphicConverter. Then simply put the coordinates and shapes into a text file following the map file format specified in the next section.

If you don't want to use WebMap to make your map files, or you want the added features available in MapServe that WebMap doesn't support, then you need to know the format of the map file.

Note: A .map file editor is planned for the near future. Watch the MapServe home page for updates.

The map file is a plain text document that can be made with TeachText (or SimpleText) and many other text editors. For large graphics, you could even use a database program that can export it's data as tab or space separated text, though you're much better off just editing the text file yourself. (Also, very large, complex graphics with lots of objects defined will take longer to decode.)

The general form of each line is:

    shape URL coordinates
where the shape specifies the shape or kind of hotspot, the URL specifies which document the hotspot should be linked to, and the coordinates are the pixal coordinates in the graphic that make up the shape. They start in the upper left-hand corner and work to the right and down as x,y cordinates.

Here is an example of a line that specifies a circle with it's center located at 13,12 and an edgepoint at 45,34:

circle http://your.server/folder/file.gif 13,12 45,34

Each line can be made up of any one of the following shapes or directives:

    # this is a comment
    A hash mark at the beginning of a line indicates a comment
    default URL
    This defines the default URL that should be returned if the user didn't click on an object defined elsewhere in the file. If more than one default is specified, the last one is the one that is used as the default.
    • If you define one or more Point
      point URL coordinates
      where coordinates is an X,Y pair
      If the click doesn't occur within another object (rect,circle,poly,oval) and one or more points are specified, then MapServe determines the nearest point to where the user clicked, and returns the URL for that point.

Specifying URLs in the map file

The URLs that you specify in the map file can be either full URLs, which include the service type (http://, ftp://, gopher://, mailto:, etc.), and the full path to the file. Or if the file resides on your server you can use a local URL, which can start from the root of your server (the folder that your server program resides in), or they can be local to the location of the .map file itself. Local URLs that start at the root of your server must start with a '/' character in the map file.

If the URL doesn't start with a slash, then it is treated as being local to the .map file (unless it contains a colon (:) character, in which case it is treated as a full URL). Local URL's in the .map file are pretty much the same as anything you can put into an <a href> tag. This means you can also use the "../" parent directory notation in a local URL.

If a file is local, MapServe appends "http://your.server.address:port" and any path information it needs to the front of what you specify as the local URL in the map file. If the port number is 80, then no port number is included in the URL. Also, you can override the servername and port number in the preferences box.

Since the fields in the map file are separated by whitespace (tabs or spaces), you cannot have any whitespace in your URL's (It's not a good idea to have any whitespace in any filenames on your web server). If you do happen to need to specify a URL for a file that has whitespace or funny characters in it's name, then you must encode that with the %xx encodings as specified in the MacHTTP/WebSTAR documentation, and several other documents specifying the use of URLs.

An example MapServe map file

# Order of entries does not matter, although the map will run faster if you
# put more frequently used objects at the top. Also, a little speed will 
# be gained by placing the objects in the following order: Default, 
# Circles, Ovals, Polygons, Points.

# default URL -- MapServe example
default /mapserve/

# Blue rectangle
rect /mapserve/mapservetest/blue.html 4,5 71,39

# Green circle
circle /mapserve/mapservetest/green.html 181,57 198,57

# Orange polygon
poly /mapserve/mapservetest/orange.html 224,23 219,55 268,67 281,24 257,4 
250,36 224,23 

# Red oval
oval /mapserve/mapservetest/red.html 99,2 167,46

# Point 1
point /mapserve/mapservetest/point1.html 7,73

# Point 2
point /mapserve/mapservetest/point2.html 105,76

# Point 3
point /mapserve/mapservetest/point3.html 312,69

# Point 4
point /mapserve/mapservetest/point4.html 348,16

Programs to make map files

There are a few programs that will allow you to make the map file a little bit easier than figuring out where all the points are. One is WebMap, which is available for Macintoshes. Another good map file editor is MapMaker by Don Crockett.


Many things can go wrong in many places when setting up a Web server on any platform. Imagemapping introduces several more problems. This section lists some of the most common problems and the solutions to them.

The map file can't be found
If MapServe can't find the .map file, it will give an error message that should include the path of the file it was looking for. This path should start with the name of the volume that the .map file resides on, and is a colon-separated path. Check to make sure that all the folder names are spelled right, and that the filename itself is spelled right.
If the volume name doesn't show up, then make sure the path to WebSTAR is set correctly in the Preferences box.
WebSTAR returns a File Not Found error.
Check to see that the URL the client is requesting goes to the MapServe.acgi program, or a .map file if you're using the user defined action method available with WebSTAR. Make sure that Mapserve.acgi exists in the location that WebSTAR expects it to be at.
If the URL showing up in the WebSTAR log window contains "mapserve.acgi$,456" then you've run into the CERN proxy bug. What is happening here is the '$' character is being encoded wrong by either the client, or a proxy gateway that the client is using. Instead of sending the '$' in clear text, it's being sent as %24. This is a common bug with several browsers and gateways that don't conform to the HTTP standards. The only way to fix this is to either get the client programmers or proxy administrator to patch their software, or you can use the WebSTAR user defined action method.
MapServe gives a alias resolution error on startup
This can happen when you move or upgrade your WebSTAR application. You need to simply reset the path to the WebSTAR application in the preferences box.
The location that MapServe sends the client to is wrong
Check the URL where it's trying to go. If the URL is wrong, then it's probably in your .map file. Check the location in your .map file. Read through the .map file URL part of the documentation again.

Other uses for MapServe

There are actually some other uses for MapServe. Besides a space filler on your hard drive, MapServe can also be used to test imagemaps for other servers, including UNIX servers. MapServe uses the same file format as NCSA imagemap. NCSA imagemap does everthing except ovals.
(Note: WebMap 1.0.1's files that are supposed to be NCSA compatible actually aren't in the circle type. WebMap makes an entry of type 'circ' for circles, and the coordinates it gives are really the bounding rectangle of an oval. MapServe corrects for this problem by interpreting 'circ' types as ovals, and only 'circle' types as circles.)

MapServe is also usefull for demonstrations of the World Wide Web where you can't be connected to the Internet. Because MacHTTP/WebSTAR can be run on a Mac using only LocalTalk, you can run MapServe with it for portable demonstrations, speeches, etc.

Shareware plea

Since it takes alot of time to put together a package like this that runs well and fast, plus this documentation and answering questions and giving help, I am asking for a small contribution to my "spend more time programming instead of studying fund." All I ask for is $20 for non-commercial users, and $20 plus $10 per year of use after that for commercial users. This fee will get you better support for the software, updates, special deals on other software I write, etc. Hopefully, you will feel a need to pay for this software to keep shareware programmers like me happy, and encourage us to continue to provide usefull software such as this.

Send your shareware fees to me at the following address:

Kelly Campbell
1800 Platt, Apt. 4
Manhattan KS 66502

Please make checks payable to Kelly Campbell
I can be reached by email at

Also, I love to hear feedback (and of course bug reports) on the program, so let me know if you have any.